Looking for clutch repair in Napa? Choose MCM Jobe’s! We understand that there are multiple clutch repair shops to choose from in the area, but for the best clutch service and clutch repair in Napa, MCM Jobe’s is the number one choice. With all of our technicians being ASE certified, you can rest assured that out of all of the clutch repair shops in California, you’ve chosen the right one.
Let’s start with what a clutch does for your vehicle.
Simply put, the job of the clutch is to separate the engine from the wheels. This allows you to change gear and come to a complete stop while the engine continues to run. Clutches are designed to last anywhere between 50,000 to 100,000 miles. That sounds like quite a large window, doesn’t it? Well, its all due to how you drive, and how often you drive, and even where you live! Drivers that live in a stop and go city, wear out their clutch faster than those who live out in the country.
What are some signs that your clutch is going out?
- Spongy, sticking, vibrating or loose clutch pedal when pressed
- Squeaking or grumbling noise when pressed
- Poor acceleration
- Difficulty shifting gear
- ‘Slipping’ clutch, causing a momentary loss of acceleration
If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it may be time for a clutch replacement. Give us a call to schedule your clutch inspection, today!
Napa residents have been coming to MCM Jobes Repair since their establishment in 1948. Through hard work, honesty, and a dedication to their customers, MCM Jobes Repair has established themselves as a premier auto repair shop. With everything from oil changes, smog checks, and repair services to repairing your transmission or clutch, Napa’s MCM Jobes Repair is the auto mechanic that has everything you need to maintain a healthy vehicle. Contact MCM Jobes Repair today for all of your auto repair needs.